Interstellar SLUG

Interstellar SLUG

Interstellar SLUG

Interstellar SLUG

Interstellar SLUG

Interstellar SLUG

Interstellar SLUG

Interstellar SLUG

Interstellar SLUG


This is the actual photo, not the fake or doctored version. The lens flair is from the interstellar object known as LOP 72657.

the lop is a new astrophysic event taking place in the realm of the sky an earth. The lop is an event in which one can observe the galactic slug in its real form. The lop usually take place as the slug passes the stars it can be observed in dream form (as a white blur) and by astrophotographers.

The lop! According to the lore of Galaxiki, this so-called interstellar slug is travelling throughout space, feeding on the gasses of galaxies. It s like a spaceship, it s the size of a spaceship, it moves like a spaceship, it uses the gases and matter out of galaxies like a spaceship, and it s even glowing like a spaceship! But... what is it? Is it a spaceship? Is it alive? Did aliens build it? Or is it just an optical illusion, a trick of perspective, a lens flare? Scientists have other ideas about what it is; however, we re not going to tell you which :-)

CalViN mOoN boY

Interstellar Space Object ‘Calvin Moon Boy’ Has Arrived.

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